Aasish Pappu

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Aasish Pappu

Research Scientist, Meta AI

Research Interests

  • Natural Language Processing
  • On device NLP research
  • Search for Spoken Audio
Photo of Aasish Pappu


Office: GHC 6223

Photo of Aasish Pappu aasish@githubaasish@google plusemailaasish@twitteraasish@bitbucket

List of Publications

  • A. Pappu and A. I. Rudnicky, "The Structure and Generality of Route Instructions". Proceedings of SIGDIAL, July 2012, Seoul, Republic of Korea. [pdf]

  • A. I. Rudnicky, A. Pappu, P. Li, and M. Marge, "Instruction Taking in the TeamTalk System". Proceedings of AAAI Fall Symposium - Dialog with Robots, November 2010, Arlington, VA. [pdf]

  • A. Pappu, "Using Wikipedia for Hierarchical Finer Categorization of Named Entities". Proceedings of PACLIC 23, December 2009, Hong Kong. [pdf]

  • M. Marge, A. Pappu, B. Frisch, T. K. Harris and A. I. Rudnicky, "Exploring Spoken Dialog Interaction in Human-Robot Teams". Robots, Games, and Research: Success stories in USARSim IROS Workshop, October 2009, St. Louis, MO, USA. [pdf]

  • A. Pappu and R. Sanyal, "Vaakkriti: Sanskrit Tokenizer". Proceedings of IJCNLP, January 2008, Hyderabad, India. [pdf]

  • A. Pappu and A. Trivedi, "SpamWall: Heuristic Filter for Web-Spam". accepted at WIC/IEEE/ACM Intl. Joint Conf. on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology 2006, Hong Kong. [pdf]

  • K. A. Kumar, A. K. Pappu, K. S. Kumar, and S. Sanyal, Hybrid Approach for Parallelization of Sequential Code using Block level and Function level Parallelization. Proceedings at IEEE PARELEC 2006, Poland. [pdf]

Fun Software

Research Software

I am an active developer of Olympus Dialog framework. Some of the software listed below is based on Olympus

  • TeamTalk - Robot Navigation Dialog Framework: Talk with robots in a simulated 3D environment
    Requirements: Windows, Visual Studio, and Perl
  • Kinect port for Olympus Dialog Framework: Talk with robots hands free
    Requirements: Windows, Visual Studio, Kinect SDK and Perl
  • Network based audio input for Olympus Dialog Framework: Low-fi solution to run dialog system on remote server and capture audio at the client
    Requirements: Windows, Visual Studio, and Perl


  • Navagati Corpus - A corpus of spoken route instructions collected at CMU campus. Paper describing the corpus and experiments related to it [pdf].
  • TED Comments - A corpus of comments collected from TED a multi-theme conference. The dataset contains 667 talks with 19752 comments from active users. We have filtered active users if they have written at least 5 comments on TED.

